Sunday, February 3, 2013

Oh yeah, this is here...

I forgot that it existed for a while. Actually, to be honest, I would check it regularly looking for comments. But then I wondered why anyone would comment on posts that are months and years old. Unemployment is, once again, driving me up a tree and down the other side. Really, the only thing keeping me semi- in check is the thought that I will be back at MLB soon enough. I need to do something with my time. Funny how once you are done selling stuff on ebay and building a new computer, filling time becomes tougher and tougher.

I've come back to writing as a way to pass the time, but even that is proving to be slightly frustrating. Not that I can't come up with ideas, but more I forgot how much planning goes into a story. And I'm writing with a partner this time around, who quickly (and, to be honest, correctly) calls me on the terrible ideas I throw out there. But despite the fact that the entire story isn't quite outlined yet, I've started to churn out pages of parts that we know what will happen during. AKA, the beginning. Why is it so much easier for me to start a story then finish it? Really, that's what I'm relying on her for. She doesn't know it. Well, now she does. Maybe I should stop typing.

If this post did nothing else, it has allowed me to put my hands on the keyboard for something other than Facebook or Star Wars. Nice to remind myself that I have this space for some word vomit whenever I need it. I'll check it again soon! It's a long time between now and April 1st.

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